Altın Gün – Turkish psychedelic from Amsterdam
The independent Turkish music of the new and older times has a special place in our hearts. Today we introduce the latest album by Turkish-Dutch band Altın Gün.
Rollin' by Erik Truffaz
May offers a number of new releases and interesting projects. Among them, this week we choose the latest album by our favourite French trumpeter Eric Truffaz "Rollin'" (Blue Note 2023).
Cookin’ On 3 Burners
We enter the first real spring month with fresh music from Australian trio Cookin' On 3 Burners.
New Names – Sao Paolo Panic
Among this year's participants at annual conference Jazzahead!, the Brazilian band Sao Paolo Panic attracts our attention.
Пролетен вятър
Ανοιξη - в корена си думата, с която гърците наричат пролетта, съдържа възраждане, отваряне. И това е факт. Всички се отваряме за по-дългите дни, палитрата от цветове и усещането за ново начало, което пролетта носи.