Altın Gün – Turkish psychedelic from Amsterdam

The independent Turkish music of the new and older times has a special place in our hearts. Today we introduce the latest album by Turkish-Dutch band Altın Gün.

Rollin' by Erik Truffaz

May offers a number of new releases and interesting projects. Among them, this week we choose the latest album by our favourite French trumpeter Eric Truffaz "Rollin'" (Blue Note 2023).

Sunny Day

Despite the delayed spring, sunny days are happening in the south...

Cookin’ On 3 Burners

We enter the first real spring month with fresh music from Australian trio Cookin' On 3 Burners.

New Names – Sao Paolo Panic

Among this year's participants at annual conference Jazzahead!, the Brazilian band Sao Paolo Panic attracts our attention.

Пролетен вятър

Ανοιξη - в корена си думата, с която гърците наричат пролетта, съдържа възраждане, отваряне. И това е факт. Всички се отваряме за по-дългите дни, палитрата от цветове и усещането за ново начало, което пролетта носи.