Julian Lage on guitar
This text could easily start off with an unlawful quote form Kundera’s “The unbearable lightness of being”, but we will not do that, and we will not even go as far as saying “To play is like to breathe”, what we will do is dive deep into some facts about the world of Julian Lage – today’s topic.
Little Big by Aaron Parks
The latest album by Aaron Parks, released at the end of 2018 by Ropeadope. Little Big, recorded with Greg Tuohey – guitar, David Ginyard – bass and Tommy Crane on drums. At the first glance a surprising story, that started out as a combination of acoustic piano, electric guitar and a few vocals here and there. A fairy tale that calms you down and sends you off to a place far, far away.
New York Winter Jazz fest – highlights
This week we dedicate to the New York Winter Jazz fest 2019 and the music that we heard. It is with great pleasure that we share this information about the festival, because the main names on the programme were people we featured throughout the three months of musicaround.bg’s existence.
Happy New Year!
Here we are in the new year and everyone is listening to the Vienna Philharmonic with some of their genius conductors. We are starting off the year with head conductor to the Berlin Philharmonic - Kirill Petrenko and the winter fairytale and the “Symphonic dances” by Rachmaninoff.
2018 musically
Somehow, going from full moon to full moon, it is now December. And I kept asking myself "What did we hear in 2018?" – bravery and new ideas for sure. Risk and challenges.
And music is all around us.
Happy Holidays!
Mediterranean tales
While winter has already come to the northern hemisphere, we board our boat and embark on a Mediterranean journey, through music, that charges us with sun, warmth and cosiness.
This week we are going around the Mediterranean and we somehow manage to forget that it’s currently December…