GoGo Penguin up close and personal

Yes, there is no lie, one of the most progressive jazz bands of our time is playing in Athens on April 12th.
As part of their European tour, that includes cities in the Czech Republic and Budapest, the closest one to us is Athens.
We don’t need to convince anyone to go to one of their concerts – we are going to play a live and it will speak for itself.
It will once again convince us that the music continues its path – like water.
That everything happens and it is a hands reach away.
Today it is the absolutely phenomenal GoGo Penguin, that are coming to Europe right after Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Cape Town.
And in a club format. The coolest way to discover their music. And while it is still happening, while the commerce hasn’t taken over this type of music, it is really worth becoming a part of the journey.
Why do we like GoGo Penguin so much – from the shared text. And we are really happy that such a band is coming so close to us.
GoGo Penguin come to Athens on April 12th. And so do we.
March 2019
Photo © MA