
March inconsistency 

Here we are in March - the month, that the northern hemisphere connects to spring. 

March is sudden and unpredictable. It is no coincidence, that when the weather is unpredictable we always say, “March weather”. 

Today’s warm and sunny weather suddenly changes to heavy snow the next day, and the following days the sun comes back to us.

March is the March cats. Hungry for love, little dark shadows strutting through the naked nature, and going around walls. 

The excitement to spend more time outside and enjoy the sunshine. Just like the March cats that sunbathe. 

The march of bird choirs, which also show their desire for life and mating. 

What music would we associate with the March reality? Is it sudden or soft?

Or in the first place - inconsistent?

It is not yet a wild spring river, that will drive later. In March, only certain springs are active, like freshly blossomed snowdrops. In its entirety it is still snoozing, but on its way to waking up. 

Shoots are on their way to blossoming with a quiet whisper. Quiet, but consistent. Everything is preparing to erupt a little later. 

But now it’s still half-asleep. And while it is waking up, it tells us: “Spring is coming!”

Today we attempted to describe March with a couple of songs, that carry the same confused energy as the month. We listen to Brad Mehldau, Manu Katche, and Pat Metheny. Of course, with headphones or with good sound. 

And the grass is getting greener. 

It Might as Well Be Spring 

Springtime Dancing

Spring Ain't Here

March 2020
Photo ©МА
