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From sunrise to sunset, from summer to winter, has turned one. This week we look back at what we have accomplished throughout the year, and we think about where we are headed. The statistic shows, that for one year we have gotten almost 800 unique views. From all around the globe – from Japan to the USA, from South Africa to New Zeeland, from Russia, China, India and Greece, Turkey, The Netherlands and Canada. France, Macedonia, Bosnia and Australia, Ukraine and Denmark, Singapore and Austria, Norway and Portugal, Poland, Czech Republic and Sweden. With no advertising, and no aggression.
Our goal has always been to show the processes, without loading the senses too much. We are thankful to each user, that decided to give us some of their time.
One other important detail – MA is not a news website, MA is a little musical library – you can always keep coming back. You can find connections, just like we did throughout the years. To listen to your favourite music, until you purchase it. MA shows the way, despite running through the world.
Apart from being completely independent, and with no commercial purpose, MA is a legally registered project in Bulgaria, and that is also an accomplishment. It is a brand that takes us out of a semi legal environment, further from social networks, and presents things in a more normal way.
What is important – for this one year, and for the years to come – we have shown, we are showing, and we will keep showing what is happening in the real world. We are not afraid of scary combinations, because they shape the world as it is today.
And most importantly – the stories told here are from first-hand experience; we do not copy or translate international news. We just share the things that we get to witness.
In honour of our first year, we offer you a playlist with the music that we listened to throughout this year. You will find it in a separate link here.
The road that lies ahead is unpredictable, but interesting. In the meantime, we are getting ready for the new autumn/winter musical season.
Of course, if you can, listen to the music with headphones. All the links, including the information for all the separate projects, you can read and listen to on the site. We did not gather all the music in one big playlist on purpose, because we believe in having a personal choice – you can pick any link and go on in a different direction. We would like to thank all almost 800 readers and listeners that were with us throughout this year. Music is happening here and now!
September 2019
Photo ©МА