Sofia this weekend
This weekend in Sofia there is a meeting with some of the most interesting names in the modern jazz and innovative scene. Along with maestro John McLaughlin, who will play today, July 1, within the framework of the A to JazZ festival, we will have the pleasure of hearing live also Snarky Puppy and Ilhan Erşahin's Istanbul Sessions. After so many meetings with these musicians outside of Bulgaria, we are really excited about their upcoming appearance on the Sofia stage.
In the last more than ten years, these are some of the contemporary artists to whom we have paid the greatest attention and at every opportunity, we have attended their live session near and far.
We won't hide it, it took almost a decade for the public to be introduced to the music of such names in Bulgaria, but now, just before our first meeting in Sofia, we are intrigued and await with interest how their new vision will be received here. We followed and follow the whole journey of Ilhan Erşahin's Istanbul Sessions, from their inception to the present day and beyond. We believe that these are some of the people who change perceptions and break the boundaries of the standard. Whether this will happen here as well - we have yet to find out. Over the years, we talked a lot with Ilhan Erşahin and the musicians of the band about how different the feeling of their lives is - something in between a rock concert, a club experience and a jam session. Just as it happens in Ilhan's club Nublu in New York, and until a few years ago in his Istanbul branch, where we have welcomed the morning more than once.
Michael League's band Snarky Puppy on the other hand has become one of the phenomena of the last decade with several Grammy awards and its own mini environment featuring a number of interesting contemporary artists with the most diverse projects. In some of them, Snarky Puppy combine jazz standards with hip-hop, in others with African music and Jewish klezmer motifs, and so on to Balkan rhythms with the participation of Greek musician Magda Giannikou.
This colorful palette always brings surprises and the listener eagerly awaits each new project.
Today, to illustrate what was said, we are listening to a few plays by Snarky Puppy and Ilhan Erşahin's Istanbul Sessions and we are waiting for our next meeting with them live - this time in Sofia on July 2 and 3, respectively.
Snarky Puppy
Ilhan Esrahin's Istanbul Sessions
You will find more information about the musicians and their various projects on our website using the search engine.
1st of July 2022
Photo ©MA